delete account flamr

delete account

When submitting an official request to delete an account from our site. Please note that users must follow the rules and regulations that we have established to ensure the safety and security of other users.
However, if the user decides to delete their account, we will respect that decision and delete their account immediately. We ask users to be aware that deleting their account may result in the loss of some data and information that they previously provided to us.
We also ask our users to be careful when deleting their accounts and not to share personal or sensitive information while using our services. We are committed to improving and strengthening user privacy and providing them with the best user experience.
In addition, please note that account deletion may result in the loss of access to all services previously provided by us, including content that you may have downloaded or participated in. Also, users will not be able to recover any data or information after deleting the account.
If the request is confirmed, the user's account will be permanently deleted within 30 days and cannot be recovered. We would like to remind you that this procedure can lead to the loss of important data and information, and therefore we advise users to think carefully before making this decision.
We respect the right of users to make decisions that are appropriate for them and strive to provide our services in the best possible way. We wish our users the best of luck in the future and hope that they will still contact us if they decide to come back later.

Please see our Privacy Policy for more information:

Target account information

After submitting your application, your account registered in this application will be deleted.


  • Please complete the form below as appropriate:

    Enter your phone number or email

    Your request has been sent.
    When checking your order:
    • Access to your account will be suspended
    • After 30 days, all data related to your account will be deleted